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Funny Stories

Life on Mars 

The little green creatures have made up their minds that they aren't going to sit silently through another Earth Day while their own planet remains unrecognized. No siree! 

Yesterday a bunch of Martians held a protest on the steps of the main branch of the NYC Public Library at 42nd Street in order to make their views known. They held up placards, gave out free Mars bars, and addressed the crowd of spectators. 

A Martian scratched his pointy little head, as he reminded the crowd that Earth, "didn't even have a world-famous candy bar named after it." 

A female Martian sounded perplexed as she asked the crowd, "If earth is so great, why are Earthlings always yakking on and on about hoping to leave it? Y'know, trips to the moon, excursions to Mars, etc. Don't get this at all." 

By the end of the day the Martians felt that victory was in sight. In fact, they were so confident, one of them sent a text message to Al Gore: 

10Q in advance 4 cre8ing Mars Day 4 us.
